555 Goals.


5:55 pm

Dear Universe,

These are the things I think of often.

These are the things I would like direction on.

 It is my wish, my goal, my time, my work that these things happen for me.

A new car. Savings to continue to grow. Photographs developed and put into a journal book.

Weekend road trips. Nature with my daughter.  A night sky full of stars we can actually see.

A bedframe and a new bed set. To have time to workout.

Healthy food. Healthy choices. Healthy decisions.

Focus. Learn something new.

Make well thought out choices and decisions that are mine.

Create. Detox.

Ask for help.

Positive yes, positive no.

Be an equal.

And work hard at these things that are mine to work on.

::Thank you, Me::

111 Object Permanence


1:11 am

It was a dream that woke me.  I was spinning in a field of long grass.

My bare feet dirty and my body alive.

I glance to my side as I circle and you are here. Watching me. Half hidden.

An animal waiting for the perfect moment to pounce.

I continue to spin. I am not afraid of you.

I am afraid of myself.

::I loved you and in this place I continue to spin::

1000 Manifesting Wonderbombs


10:00 pm

Inviting Ritual. Creating sacred space. Opening Heart. Thanking the miracles. Listening, feeling, and noticing the intuitive. The tools of magical days: Stones. Tea. Favorite things. The moon. Water. Fire. Scent. Healthy food. Spending time in nature. Reading a book. Taking photographs. Watching and listening to children. Breathing in and letting go. Feeling it. Honor and love good friends and traditions of family. Laugh and Jump on beds. Find magic always.

::Manifesting Wonderbombs::

555 My Choices



Will you still love me when the choice I make seems broken to you?

Will you still be my friend when you feel invested in my well-being?

The one thing you should know about me is I follow my heart most if the time.

::If I’m making a mistake know this is my lesson and love me anyway. Please::